Stregthening Families
by Putting People First
A customized program for your family following the fundamentals of Empowered Wealth in order to identify those core values and experiences that are unique to your family. The philosophy is based on the three principles of Gratitude, True Wealth, and Family Leadership.
Serving and Supporting Your Best Life, Family and Legacy

Strengthening Families through Informed Decisions and Exceptional Stewardship
Strengthening Families
through Informed Decisions and Exceptional Stewardship
We provide both traditional family office services and innovative ideas and tools
Optimizing wealth means optimizing not only financial assets but also all the other things that you value in life. In fact, shouldn't money and financial wealth be a resource that serves you and your family in living your happiest, most fulfilled, most meaningful lives? In finding True Wealth we look beyond the numbers on your balance sheet and seek a shared vision with the goal to strengthen your family and create a successful legacy that will carry on for generations.
A Universal System for True Collaboration
Many professionals specialize in asset management, legal documents, tax strategies, accounting, and record keeping. For our purposes, we refer to this as quantitative “Structure” work. Other professionals focus on family dynamics, family meetings and retreats, mission statements, values assessments, and other “qualitative” work or what we summarize as “People”. All of these high-level professional skills are valuable and useful to individuals and families at various points in their life journeys.
As people seek to optimize their True Wealth, what’s often lacking is the organization, coordination, integration, and synergizing of “People” and “Structure”. The Certior Group has chosen to fill this void among professional advisors and their clients by pioneering and championing a “Process” that seeks to organize a family’s assets, records, and key metrics; integrating, coordinating, and synergizing professional and family efforts. In other words, bring together “People” and “Structure” through “Process”, which helps families to optimize their multi-generational True Wealth.

The Universal Collaborative System
Certior Group’s Wealth Design Team utilizes its Universal Collaboration SystemSM to enhance true collaboration with your existing advisors in order to optimize your True Wealth and provide ongoing support to you and your family. Certior Group provides and curates a wealth of combined experience in trust planning, tax and accounting, and other services.

Planning Expertise
and Structural Advantages
Offering complementary planning expertise and access to favorable trust and tax environments, Certior Group co-creates a virtual family office to benefit current and future generations. These custom designed structures offer your family an opportunity to build, protect, and sustain True Wealth in a way virtually unmatched anywhere else in the world.